article about


'Now Explosion'

By Miriam Longino - August 3, 2000

Original story of the Now Explosion
as it appeared in the
Atlanta Journal Constitution
AUGUST 3, 2000 and UPDATE MARCH 30, 2001

See Links Below


The Now Explosion was produced on several different shoestrings
by some TV disk jockeys in Atlanta, Georgia in 1970.
Before they ran out of money, they managed
to syndicate the first music video
to stations throughout the
US including WPIX-TV
in New York.

CLICK HERE to read text of Atlanta Constitution Article
and letter by Bob Whitney to Ms. Longino as well as the
followup article about the Now Explosion reunion



(Pictured below Deejays Bob Todd and Skinny Bobby Harper today)

Stories reprinted with permission from The Atlanta Journal and The Atlanta Consitution. Further reproduction, retransmission or distribution of these materials without the prior written consent of the Atlanta Journal
and the Atlanta Constitution, and any copyright holder identified in the marterial's copyright notice, is prohibited.